Our Stores

Select Store Info below to get additional details including contact information and hours.

To place an order, please contact your local ADR Pet Store directly or submit the order request form below.

Whether you need to stock up on food, grab some treats, pick out a new leash, or just have a chat about pet nutrition, ADR Pet Stores is here to provide you with the information, products and support you need to help your pets achieve optimal health.  

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Want To Join The ADR Pack?

ADR Pet Stores Franchise


Prospective ADR Pet Stores Franchisee

Thank you for considering a franchise partnership with ADR Pet Stores, one of Canada’s most exciting new franchise
concepts, built on the huge growth of the Canadian health conscious, raw pet food market

Why Choose ADR?

ADR pet stores has a highly motivated and competent executive team in order to maximize your success.

Popular Customer

The retail pet food industry and in particular the raw food sector, is
booming in Canada


Our flexible operating hours are very attractive for franchisees.. Our business is non-cyclical with strong demand all year round

Growing Market

ADR Pet Stores services an ever-increasing market in Canada, with sustained
annual sector growth.

Canadian Company

ADR Pet Stores Franchising is a privately held, financially strong, professionally
managed Canadian corporation.


The Way Nature Intended

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